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Martin Schaefer

Tel +31(0)6-206 19916

Lotus Quickr Domino 8.5 Fixpack 2 is uit

maandag, 7 maart 2011 door Martin Schaefer

Sinds 3 maart 2011 op fixcentral: Fixpack 2 voor Lotus Quickr Domino 8.5.1


Fixes in Lotus Quickr Domino

02/25/2011 GAKI8EHFCN

LO58873 When using the ServicesCreateDraftOrDocument Placebot hook, the summary  (h_HookParam8) now contains html when it did not previous to 8.5.x

02/25/2011 DAMC8CEK4B

LO57300 With a Word document that was checked out via the Explorer Connector and then opened in Word for editing, check that Word document in via the Explorer Connector.  Then switch back to Word and press the Check In button.  The document will be checked in even though it is no longer checked out.

02/25/2011 ZASI8CJAZ4 For Domino Native Authentication, a Room member can not be expanded when the Quickr server name is not the same as the host name.

02/25/2011 GAKI88WEEK

LO54424 Members can be added to a sub-room even though that user is not a member of the parent room.

02/25/2011 CTRP6SQQCN

LO16163 Under rare circumstances, the Domino server may crash when moving a document from a folder.

02/25/2011 CSTS8DFT5P

LO57989 When the Domino http server is under a heavy load, sometimes after renaming a folder both the original name and renamed folder exist, the new folder not being accessible.

02/25/2011 No SPR For the MyPlaces portlet, if Quickr Domino is configured to authenticate with Domino Native Authentication, the get_members_places API returns only the places you have explicit membership in.  

02/25/2011 No SPR MyPlacesPortlet does not list all owners of a place.

02/25/2011 DAMC8CLLVD

LO57387 With Sametime Integration, when a notification for an online meeting is sent from the Calendar view, the meeting’s password changes.

02/25/2011 NXLE8CD9K3 Using Domino Native authentication, when restricting readers of a post, expanding a group does not show its members.

02/18/2011 ESEO8C8UJH

LO57187 Placebot h_SendMail hook not working.

02/16/2011 XZSU8D76BK

LO57691 “qptool changemember” doesn’t work properly on an external group.

02/16/2011 HHIE8B8HJG

LO56364 Under certain configurations, a Place Owner cannot remove a place via the Usage Statistics / Remove Place context menu.

02/16/2011 DAMC8D9HU7

LO57806 Placebot is running twice when the lightbox is presented on screen.

02/16/2011 JYJG8DE8A6

LO57904 Chinese words based on a customized form display as garbage when uploading via connector

02/16/2011 JRIE8DNKD6

LO58125 Send Notification Member search box not returning a member if that member’s username contains a number.

02/16/2011 ESEO8DPQDD

LO58186 Issues with pasting a Quickr URL to a page or a link to a file to download when you have logged out of Quickr.

02/07/2011 TJOR8C8KRU

LO57172 When using Domino Native authentication, notification are not sent to Domino Native groups.

02/07/2011 ASHH8DBAL7

LO57873 After upgrading an 8.2 place to 8.5, PDF attachments do not have the default action to Launch within connectors, instead the default action is to open the page in the browser. **note: you must run qptool upgrade -f -p placename after applying the FixPack for this fix to take affect.

02/07/2011 PNOT8DNM36 After upgrading an 8.2 place to 8.5, adding a new Office document in the Discussion folder via the connectors context sensitive menu causes a new Page to be created without the Office Document.  **note: you must run qptool upgrade -f -p placename after applying the FixPack for this fix to take affect.